GFWC-NC Membership Matters Award
To recognize clubs that recruit new members and promote GFWC, GFWC-NC, District and local club activities, the Membership Matters Award provides this opportunity. Does your club have recruitment events, have members who attend District and State meetings, and use publicity to promote your club? Let us hear about it!One lucky club from the Memberhship Matters Award Entries will be selected to represent North Carolina for the GFWC Coveted Shoe Award to be presented at the GFWC Convention in 2013 and 2014. The form is available here, in the Administration Book, and at
GFWC-NC President’s and Junior Director’s Special Emphasis Award -
Promoting GFWC and Its Members
This award is presented each year at the GFWC-NC Annual Convention. Click here for the award entry form. The form for this particular award has also been added to the Administration Book and to for ease in the award entry process. GFWC will also be recognizing one club in the nation from each membership category for creativity in implementing an effective Membership program. North Carolina’s entry will be determined from the entries for the Special Emphasis Award – be sure to submit your award entry to GFWC-NC for consideration. (Clubs do not submit entries to GFWC.)
For more information on GFWC of North Carolina,
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